An Unexpected Late Night Talk, A Strong Message From God and Running…LOTS of Running.

Lauren Burton

Luke 20:38 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.

Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t it awesome to know that we are ALL alive in Christ? We have a God who does not know death. We have a God who only knows life. We have a God who brings us life. We have a God who gives life to the dead. Guys, that’s AMAZING! It’s amazing to think about the fact, that even when I may feel at my lowest and darkest point in life, I can look to my Father and He WILL give me life. He WILL give me new life!

I recently spoke to someone who is very special to me, just last night. Someone whom I haven’t spoken to in a while. We’re both in a season where we are wildly pursuing God, so our focus is solely on Him and nobody else…including one another. Anyways, I spoke to this person last night and have felt SO compelled by God since then. I felt compelled by Him to write multiple things, including this blog post today. A blog post on pursuing God. A blog post on pursuing a life with God. A blog post on FINDING life through God. Because He is the God of life. He is the God who gives new life. He is the God who gives life to the dead. He is the God who gives us life to wildly pursue Him and race towards Him. And that’s what He wants! He wants us to run a race towards Him. He wants us to be in constant pursuit of His love, His word and His truth. A lot of times (more often than not), we must run that race alone…that’s what I’m doing and that’s what my friend is doing. And that’s ok! That’s what God wants! He wants us to run that race towards Him, alone. But you know what the funny thing is? You may think you’re running alone, but you’re not. God is right there. God running right beside you AND He’s waiting at the finish line. GOD IS EVERYWHERE! He’s God! And aside from God, who really is all you need, there are others running that same race. I’m running. The friend I spoke of is running. And thousands of other people are running too. You are not alone.

Maybe you are running your race right now, and are going at the perfect pace…you’re at peace with everything right now…you’re at a peaceful pace. That’s where I’m at in my race and that’s where my friend is at as well, it’s a great place to be! Keep running and keep your eye on that finish line! But maybe you are standing at the starting line, too tired to even begin the race. Or maybe you’re in the middle of the race, and find yourself getting too tired to keep running. And that’s where the above Bible passage REALLY comes into play. That’s when you MUST realize that you are running a race toward a God who gives life. A God who is the God of the living…not the dead. A god is who IS life. So whether you can’t find the strength to start running or find yourself running out of strength to keep running, look to your Father. He’s at the finish line, but He’s also running RIGHT beside you. He won’t leave you. He won’t let you tire out. He won’t let you give up. So look to Him. He will breathe new life into every ounce of your being. He will give you new strength. Because He was, is and always will be a God of the living…not the dead. Through God, you will only be given life…you will only KNOW life.

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